如何搜尋FDA 註冊號碼?

​How to search FDA Registration Number?

Step by step with FDA website screenshot. 

Many customers want to check suppliers ormanufacturers’ FDA registration number. Some companies want to verify FDACertificate of Registration with FDA registration number on it.   

How do I search FDA registration number onFDA website? How do I know my FDA registration is successful?   

First, we need to know there are differenttypes of FDA registration numbers: 

Food Facility Registration FDA RegistrationNumber search 

Food Facility FDA Registration Numbersearch 

​Unfortunately, FDA does not maintainpublicly accessible database for Food Facility Registration. You won’t be ableto search and verify food facility's registration information. If you are theowner, you can login to FDA Industry System to verify the registered foodfacility.   

Dietary Supplement facility is in the FoodFacility Registration category so you can’t verify the FDA Registration Number.   

​Medical Device FDA Registration Numbersearch & Device Listing Number 

​First, we need to go to FDA EstablishmentRegistration & Device Listing website. Please go to the link below: 


Second, please type in full company name orpartial name to search in the Establishment or Trade Name area (highlighted inred square). 

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